
Umckalor – For the first time in Croatia medicine to treat colds


For the first time in Croatia medicine to treat colds, which is registered in Germany since 1978.

When we see the first signs of a cold, such as runny nose, sore throat, cough, fatigue, fever.

The goal of treatment is to suppress pathogens that caused these symptoms. Since 90% of the causes of the common cold are viruses, and 10% – bacteria, in the early days of the disease, we need a drug that has both, antiviral and antibacterial activity. In addition, during the cold, the protective function of the organism significantly weakened, accordingly it is necessary to pay attention to the immune system.

The main ingredient is the roots extract of Pelargonium sidoides.  Umckalor has a threefold mode of action: antiviral, antibacterial and immunomodulation. Umckalor is the most effective in the early stages of taking, fights against viruses and bacteria from the first day of the disease, preventing  their penetration into the cell, and thereby their growth, improve defense mechanisms, promotes faster recovery and prevents complications.